Based on the Rebbe’s first maamar, Bosi Lgani, this groundbreaking production combines stunning visuals with a live performance by a string quartet to tell a story about a three hundred year old vision: to see this world as G-d sees it, as His garden.
Told from the viewpoint of a chassidic farmer holding on to his own patch of garden, the films tell a story of hope and perseverance even as time passes by.
Each of the seven short films focus on one element of Bosi Lgani’s vision and is followed by one of the Seven Rebbeim’s niggunim, arranged originally for this program for string quartet by Maestro Israel Edelson.
Total runtime: One hour
The sixty minutes of of the program are evenly divided between the films and the musical performances.
The films are set on a farm, where we find a chassidic farmer struggling to hold on to his own vision. As he works his land, he reflects on the lessons of Bosi Lgani and the message it has for all of us.
The musical arrangements are of the niggunim of the Seven Rebbeim:
- Keili Ata
- Kapelya
- Yemin Hashem
- Lchatchila Ariber
- Rostover
- Beinoni
- Ata Vchartanu
There is also an “Encore” arrangement of Reb Leivik’s Hakafos Niggun to end of program on a lively note.
The package we offer comes with all of the films and musical arrangements for string quartet.
A string quartet is composed of four instruments: two violins, viola, and cello. Most professional players of these instruments are familiar with this grouping of instruments and often work together. We work with string quartets in the NYC area, but we recommend that you hire a local group to save on travel costs. For an additional cost, we can assist you in finding a talented local string quartet.
Please note: A string quartet is not included in the package.
Cost of the package is $1400.
For further info please contact: