Wandering Souls, Wandering Candles: A True Story retells the personal and soul-glistening story of Israel Edelson, who was an assistant conductor to the renowned Maestro Leonard Bernstein when he sat by a Shabbos table for the first time in his life. It was an encounter that forced him to look for something deep within himself, beyond the notes of music, changing his life forever. “Wandering Souls, Wandering Candles: A True Story,” is a multimedia production that weaves together the storytelling of film with the presence of Edelson’s live piano recital of the melodies that accompanied his journey. Before you know it, the seemless transitions between screen and stage have you hearing Edelson’s story in his music and his music in his story.

duration (film and live piano recital): 54 min

to book and for more info please click here



Every one of our people that attended were more inspired than the next.

Rabbi Shraga Sherman | Chabad of Main Line


"Wandering Souls, Wandering Candles: A True Story" is a spectacular production that fuses an artful multi-media experience with a profound and poetic reflection on the "flammability" of the Jewish soul. 

The audience was enthralled with the seamless transition from film to live performance and back again as Maestro Israel Edelson's personal story was reenacted on-screen and then brought to life on-stage in the Maestro's piano recital of the songs that influenced his journey.

The production was a visceral experience of the power of a niggun and of the Rebbe's life-changing impact on one man's soul. 

Marc Erlbaum | Filmmaker


This is a very powerful, well told soul journey that crosses age and even religious barriers.

Vera Schwartz | Emirita Professor, Wesleyan University