"The Rebbe's Niggunim: Songs of the Inspired Soul" is our pioneering effort to share the ethereal backstory of the hassidic songs taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in the wee hours of Simchas Torah night. A multimedia production that brings together the modernity of film and the classical music of a string quartet to create a space where past and present play off each other and become one.

duration (Film + Live String Quartet Performance): 53 minutes)

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“Touched each and every attendee in a deep way” Chabad of Delaware

“Wonderfully inspiring!” Chabad of West Boca

“Should be shown in every Chabad House” Chabad of Riverside

“Highly recommended!” Chabad of Greater West Hartford

“Home run!” Chabad of El Paso

“Kiddush Shem Lubavitch!” Chabad of Stamford

“An amazing event!” Chabad of Arizona

“Uplifting!” Chabad of North Orlando

“Breathtaking!” Chabad of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania

“Better than a lecturer” Chabad of Great Neck

“Major hit!” Chabad of Ellenville

“Best money ever spent” Chabad of Maple

Everybody loved it! …People at my synagogue said that it was the best event they ever had. Huge yasher koach to you on such a tremendous accomplishment, I'd love to see what you produce in the future.

Michel Klein | Beis Betzalel, Los Angeles


I thought the program was a home run!  To convey a refined emotional and spiritual experience is a tall order. Yet the soul stirring music, accompanied by an outstanding narration and imagery, touched each and every attendee in a deep way. Yasher Koach again!

Rabbi Chuni Vogel | Lubavitch of Delaware


The production was a new and meaningful way to give our audiences a glimpse of the Rebbe’s lifework. You should be very proud.

Rabbi Chezky Wolf | Rohr Center for JGrads


This program carries true artistic talent, in the way the Chassidic concepts are worded as well as the film itself. It definitely carries original and unique value.

Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein | Newtown, PA